Date:  Wed Dec 3, 2003

Finnpo's Rasa Grail Outline
Letter to the urinetantrasalvation yahoo group

Greetings to all,

There are many passages in Swamiji's Rasa Tantra that boldly validate exactly what I believe about partnered human potential. Namely, that we could literally thrive on each other by totalizing our powers of intimacy. In doing so, we could further activate a similarly powerful evolutionary force called endosymbiosis. Further, it appears to me that humanity has been consuming the environment because we haven't yet recognized that there are consumables available, namely bodily fluids (rasas) that are obviously, freely and abundantly meant for each other, for food, if only the limiters on our intimacy could be lifted. It seems to me, also, that it may well take a great gender generosity before we can achieve a "greenpeace" between humanity and the planet. Perhaps salvation may be merely a natural and normal beneficence arising out of the level of sustained intimacy that this dimention of love requires.

Maybe in some vault there are complete instructions for achieving such a thing as "The Ongoing Marriage Supper". I can't imagine that all the holy books have been opened, but maybe they have, maybe Sw. Tantrasangha has thrown them open. He may surely have placed the oldest religious callings before us. Therefore, I'm hoping this group can shape a protocol, both for couples and for communities, for implimenting a Rasa Grail/Marriage Supper program, and a virtual UTsangha. I imagine this endeavor to be a great adventure in itself.

OK! .....
To my thinking, a UrineTantraSangha would quite specifically support couples to achieve and sustain a primal state of profound creative intimacy. I'd like to find out if this state could be reached when a meditationally practiced, nutritionally prepared and emotionally supported couple are willing to fast on one another's freshly produced body fluids. They could include urine, semen, vaginal secretions and ejaculations, menstruum and breast milk, tears, saliva, breath respirations, sweat, possibly some actual blood exchange. I think this state of primal interest in each other might be best supported through a sexual crucible and guided by Zap Lam. It is probable that these exchanged items will require being erotically cooked and hermetically served in order to be maximally palatable and vitalizing.

I further propose that the program ultimately prepare a couple for seven weeks (49 days) of fasting/feasting together in total darkness retreat. I think that duration will allow the pair to become bio-plasmically blended and begin functioning as a planetary hologram (only the two together can become a organizational fractal or holon of the planet). Constructing this planetary hologram is (thought by me to be) the means for entering the cognitive domain of the living creature of the planet and to access the perception and sentience of Gaia. This is my main experimental interest and I would enjoy seeing this activity on the community agenda.
But beyond seriously practicing the general techniques that Sw's scholarship has revealed, which traditionally had everything to do with transcendental, experiential, existential experience and very little to do with personal relationships, I think it is as important for such an intentioned couple or community to have a well understood set of relationship communication skills to help them ably apply their emotions to their consubstantial marriage so that past hurts and present vulnerabilities can be utilized as the essentials they are to the tantric and growth experience together. Spiritual and scientifically pragmatic models for community building have often left emotional factors unaddressed. A great deal of emotional effort to release our isolation (ego) could come up during a rasa tantra experience. Also, without a good working understanding of the language technologies of needs-based compassion, the modern sexual crucible is likely to be unsustainable. And hopefully urine exchanging will prove to be as psychologically satisfying as it has been physiologically. Since the bonding effects of a rasa tantra marriage supper are likely to eclipse even those of profound sacred sex, the intergration of each other's fluid alchemy could very well require a clear system for the on-going balancing (through enhancing individual differentiation) of such a potentially deep symbiotic merging. Spiritual systems usually don't seem to care about this.
The other big obstacle for me is an immediate concern about the fluid inequity that I perceive between the genders. Is the female a liquid fruiting body in comparison to the male? Using the hypothesis that semen is to be equal to menstrual blood, human milk, and vaginal secretions, I became concerned that if I were conserving my semen in order to sustain an erotic edge during a rasa tantra fast, my female partner's needs might not be met in terms of actual energetic substance. I become concerned about the male being unable to match the output and potency of menstrual blood, slippery vaginas and possible lactation. It is my understanding from readings that the ancient conservationist practices made men strong, but didn't necessarily contribute to women quite as well. This issue concerns me (and it may be partly why women are intuitively reticent). I am finding, though, that when I thoroughly accept the concept of a dyadic wholeness then the idea of 'loss' vanishes. There is nowhere for my apana (outflow) to go except into the female ocean that is feeding me yet again, with yet even more vitalities, then adding the generative quickenings of my desire I can feed her yet again, in like kind and quantity. The whole cycle of Nature finally made almost entirely of human elements through great gender generosity. (Am I dreaming awake yet?)
The Marriage Supper Explored

This experiment assumes a couple has become comfortable and familiar with drinking virtually all of the other's urine and are now engaged in a ritual fast on each other's output. They are optionally bramachari (no need for coitus) yet erotically tranced, which necessarily marinates their fluid state. There is frequent hermetic (from the orifice) ingestion of each other's liquid offerings. The urine exchange becomes increasingly pleasant, which stablizes and secures the fast, that actually becomes a feast.

This frequent urine exchange is coupled with occasional climaxed semen/vaginal fluid sharing. This could be achieved as intercourse, but more effectively as oral sex. Either way, the intention is to mix the male and female secretions and share the blended product between them, as hermetically sealed as possible. I am hopeful that this event could routinely happen daily, or more, as the hormonal and nutritive pathways begin to recover their Edenic circuitry, and rediscover our occulted androgynal matrix.

In the case of the pre-menopausal couple, menstrual blood could be shared via a 'rainbow kiss'. The goal is that none of the fluid would be lost, and all of it would be shared. It is an energetic and nutritional feast for a few days. Couples could experiment further by creating a deep seclusion through extended darkness. This would mimic our ancestral menstruants, which some herstorians consider the evolutionary origin of earth-based human culture.

Additional components would include the regular exchange of saliva through thorough kissing. I imagine that saliva could be "made" to produce in considerable volumn. Perhaps the woman could be 'made' to lactate and the man could be 'made' to ejaculate on a daily basis and these two items could become energetic substrates for the other. The notion here is that neither partner would undergo enthropy or loss, if they were hermetically fed all the fluid made by the other, becoming a whole system of two merged into one dual-bodied organism i.e., land & sea. The desire to become fluid symbionts would be generative of fluids as well. Tears, which have been described as containing anti-death hormones, may become abundant and very consumable. And further, reaching well over the deconstructive horizon of modern taboo, there is the imaginative glimmer that the consumate practice of all the above would render an attractive alimentary fruit. Talk about Nirvanna!!
Urine exchange, however, would be most important due to ready abundance, serving as a steady source of energy and genetic information, especially when hermetically ingested fresh. This would become the usual way of serving one's amarolia to the other, so none of it is lost during the fast. The use of a blend of each other's aged urine for a thorough daily massage (a la inutero) could be considered as well.

It goes mostly without saying that the supreme degree of self-acceptance that it takes to consider these ideas, dependently co-arises with the profound love of the 'other' that it necessarily takes to do them. Ulto paticca samuppada.
In closing, I'd like to say how much of a dream come true this group is for me. It meets a great need for exploring my interest in viscerally based human growth relationships, and for the opportunity to think about salvation as something requiring unabashed relational intimacy. That, is rad.

Bridal Chamber